In this post we will cover a few tips and tricks to improve ASP.NET MVC Application Performance. While working on this site, I have tried to improve page loading speeds as much as possible. There are a lot of tricks that you can do to improve the speed of your site. I have constantly been learning new things by delving into the world of site performance.
These are a few of the steps that I took to speed up my site:
Run in Release mode
Make sure your production application always runs in release mode in the web.config
<compilation debug="false"></compilation>
or change this in the machine.config on the production servers
<deployment retail="true"></deployment>
Only use the View Engines that you require
protected void Application_Start()
ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new RazorViewEngine());
Use the CachedDataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider
ModelMetadataProviders.Current = new CachedDataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider();

Avoid passing null models to views
Because a NullReferenceException will be thrown when the expression gets evaluated, which .NET then has to handle gracefully.
// BAD
public ActionResult Profile()
return View();
public ActionResult Profile()
return View(new Profile());
Use OutputCacheAttribute when appropriate
For content that does not change often, use the OutputCacheAttribute to save unnecessary and action executions.
[OutputCache(VaryByParam = "none", Duration = 3600)]
public ActionResult Categories()
return View(new Categories());
Use HTTP Compression
<urlcompression dodynamiccompression="true" dostaticcompression="true" dynamiccompressionbeforecache="true"></urlcompression>
Remove unused HTTP Modules
If you run into any problems after removing them, try adding them back in.
<remove name="WindowsAuthentication"></remove>
<remove name="PassportAuthentication"></remove>
<remove name="Profile"></remove>
<remove name="AnonymousIdentification"></remove>
Flush your HTML as soon as it is generated
<pages buffer="true" enableviewstate="false"></pages>
Turn off Tracing
<trace enabled="false"></trace>
Remove HTTP Headers
This is more of a security thing
<httpruntime enableversionheader="false"></httpruntime>
<remove name="X-Powered-By"></remove>
Uninstall the URL Rewrite module if not required
This saves CPU cycles used to check the server variable for each request.
Go to "Add or Remove Programs" and find "Microsoft URL Rewrite Module" and select uninstall.