European ASP.NET MVC Hosting

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European ASP.NET MVC 4 Hosting - Amsterdam :: Creating MVC 4 Application with Umbraco

clock August 16, 2013 06:38 by author Scott

Hello, how do you do? In this article, I will gonna show you how to integrate ASP.NET MVC 4 using Umbraco. Note that Umbraco does not provide a “pure” MVC application as the Umbraco UI comes with a fair amount of webforms baggage. That said, it plays nicely with an MVC 4 project in Visual Studio and provides a flexible view rendering engine that lets you build genuinely testable page templates.

Setting up the project

Umbraco is shipped as an ASP.NET website which you can use directly, though this is not ideal. It is a better idea to create a full MVC 4 project, manage the dependencies using the Umbraco NuGet package and drop the Umbraco files directly into the site. Use the following steps to set up Umbraco as an MVC 4 project in Visual Studio:

Firstly, start an empty MVC 4 project in Visual Studio – make sure it is an empty project as you will not need any of the baggage that comes with other project templates.

Add the NuGet Umbraco Cms Core Binaries package which will manage the various dependencies and references that Umbraco 6 requires for you.

Copy all the files from the Umbraco installation ZIP archive directly into your project in Visual Studio except the App_Code and Bin folders – you won’t need the binaries as they are managed by NuGet and the App_Code folder is not used in a web application project.

The default mode for Umbraco is to use web forms rendering. You will need to switch this to use MVC by changing the defaultRenderingEngine setting in the Umbraco configuration file UmbracoSettings.config as shown below:


Now you’re good to go – run the Umbraco site to set up the database and once the admin console comes up you can create a first view.

Note that you may optionally wish to remove the App_Start directory and Global.asax.cs files from your Visual Studio project – they are not used in a default Umbraco application as global.asax inherits directly from the Umbraco.Web.UmbracoApplication class and does not execute this code.

Creating a view

You can create a basic view in the Umbraco UI. In the “Settings” section create a new Document Type – call it “Home” and ensure that “Create matching template” is checked. A new file will be created in your Views folder with the following mark-up:

@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoTemplatePage

    Layout = null;

If you create and publish a first page based on this content type it will become your site’s home page. This is all you do to start creating pages based on MVC as Umbraco uses a default routing process that delivers the page properties to the view. You can actually build basic content pages without having to worry about the plumbing around controllers and models – this only starts to become important if you want to put more logic in behind the scenes.

Creating a custom controller

The default rendering engine for Umbraco routes requests through RenderMvcController with an IPublishedContent object as the model view. This provides a pretty simple means of  basic pages rigged up with managed content but you can extend this behavior by creating custom controllers. Umbraco refers to this technique of creating custom controllers as hijacking, though really it is just a matter of creating a controller where MVC would normally look.

To create a controller for our Home view we just create a controller called HomeController. To hook it up to Umbraco’s content API you will need to inherit from RenderMvcController and override the Index method as shown below:

public class HomeController : Umbraco.Web.Mvc.RenderMvcController
    public override ActionResult Index(RenderModel model)
        //Do some stuff here, then return the base method
        return base.Index(model);

Creating controllers to handle forms and actions is a little more involved as you have to create what Umbraco calls a surface controller. This is a controller like any other but one that is derived from the Umbraco SurfaceController class. These controllers can be implemented as a normal part of your MVC project (“locally declared” in Umbraco-speak) or implemented as a plug-in for shipping as part of a package.

If you want to include your own custom MVC routes then you will have to override the OnApplicationStarted method. This can be done by creating your own custom global.asax file that inherits from Umbraco.Web.UmbracoApplication.

Creating a custom model

Once you have wired up a controller it’s pretty straightforward to create in your own model and pass it into the page. You will need to change the view so that it inherits the generic version of UmbracoViewPage with your custom model specified as the generic parameter. The example below shows the view adjusted for a new model called HomeModel.

@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage<UmbracoMvc4.Models.HomeModel>

    Layout = null;

The controller will still accept a RenderModel object but you can pass your custom model by using the CurrentTemplate method as shown below:

public override ActionResult Index(RenderModel model)
    HomeModel customModel = new HomeModel();
    return CurrentTemplate(customModel);

If you want to take advantage of the Umbraco view helpers then you can extend the RenderModel object by creating a constructor that initialises the base class as shown below. This will ensure that your derived model still exposes the page data and current culture properly.

public class HomeModel : RenderModel
    public HomeModel(RenderModel model)
        : base(model.Content, model.CurrentCulture)
    { }

Beyond the basics

Although it is not a “pure” MVC implementation you can still get Umbraco 6 to sit quite nicely within an MVC 4 web application just so long as you set it up carefully. Beyond the basics of models, views and controllers there is support for features such as partial views and child actions as well as scope for you to use dependency injection and your IoC container of choice. So long as you’re prepared to ignore the messy webforms back-end that lurks in the background Umbraco 6 can really feel like working with an MVC 4 application.

European ASP.NET MVC 4 Hosting - Amsterdam :: Create Custom HTML Helpers in ASP.NET MVC 4

clock July 29, 2013 08:39 by author Scott

HTML Helpers are nothing but the way of rendering HTML on the view page in ASP.NET MVC. Typically what we have in traditional ASP.NET web forms is Web Controls to achieve same functionality but with the evolution of MVC pattern , you don't have any web controls to add on to the view pages.

In simple words - it is just a method which returns you a string , and string is HTML.

Example of HTML Helpers:

ASP.NET MVC framework ships with various inbuilt HTML helpers such as ActionLink , Label.
Lets take a look at how a HTML helper is added to the view page. I am considering Razor view engine for this example.

@Html.ActionLink("Display Name of Link", "MethodName", "ControllerName");

Example above shows how OOB Action Link is used to render the HTML hyperlink on the view page.

Another example is shown as below where it is used to render the Html label tag to render Store Name property of model class. 

@Html.LabelFor(model => model.StoreName)

Why to use Html Helpers?

Question might have poped up in your mind by now that Html helpers are just going to render the string of html then why do I need to use them ? If I know the Html syntax then why not add the Html directly on to the view page? 

Answer is simple, it depends how clean and consistent you want to make your application. of course you can do the direct addition of html tags on your view pages but if you observe second example - you can see that it is simply rendering the label tag on view page for a property in model at run time. so it just for making developer's life more easy and to have the cleaner html for your view page.

Need of Custom Html Helpers?

Well, there is always need to do some custom stuff on top of what framework offers, and reason for doing this is either business requirement or to get things done in smarter way.

Writing a custom Html helper is nothing but writing an extension method. you are actually writing an extension method for HtmlHelper class.

Being a SharePoint developer I always find this task similar to creation of a web control where you override the render method of base class and do the custom Html rendering. 

Creating Custom Html Helper

All right , for demo purpose I will keep the example simple - I will simply write an Html helper which will render the header of any content on view page.

This is done simply by using the <header> tag of Html 5.

Step 1: Define your custom static class for creation of your custom Html helpers

public static class DemoCustomHtmlHelpers


Step 2: Add static method to the class and make sure that return type is MvcHtmlString. Write an input paramter of method as HtmlHelper and also a string for which the header tag needs to be generated.

You might need to add System.Web.Mvc namespace to your class.

public static MvcHtmlString Header(this HtmlHelper helper, string content)


Step 3 : Add the rendering logic in the method , you can take help from TagBuilder class to generate Html tags to be rendered.

public static MvcHtmlString Header(this HtmlHelper helper, string content)
   var tagBuilder = new TagBuilder("header");
   tagBuilder.InnerHtml = content;
   return new MvcHtmlString(tagBuilder.ToString());

Step 4: Build the project and open any of the view page. Now you can use your custom Html helper to render the header. Make sure that your view page has correct using namespace for using your custom Html helper extension.


When you observe the view page's Html , you will be finding the generated Html tag by our Custom Html helper extension


Now, you can also try it and have fun with your own scenario.


European ASP.NET MVC 4 Hosting - Amsterdam :: Implementing a Custom IPrincipal in ASP.NET MVC 4 Internet Project

clock April 16, 2013 10:49 by author Scott

This article explains a simple tip on how to customized the IPrincipal used in ASP.NET MVC4 internet application project template. You can try this tip if you want to attach additional information on the IPrincipal (Controller.User) for some purposes.

This tip is based from the solution I used in implementing custom identity in my ASP.NET MVC 3 project which I got from this thread:

The main solution is almost the same from the said thread but with just a few tweaks required to set data to additional IPrincipal properties when OAuthWebSecurity is used as authentication method.  

Initially ASP.NET MVC 4 internet project template is configured to use both WebMatrix.WebSecurity (for local accounts) and OAuthWebSecurity (for external site accounts) for authentication. Also accounts data are getting saved in a UserProfile table which only have properties for user ID and username, and some predefined webpages_TABLES. 

This initial setup is not enough for us to achieve our goal: that is to attach additional information in the IPrincipal. In this example we will going to need to add the first name and last name info of the user but you can add any data to suit your needs.

We will need first a storage of the additional data we want to attach. To do this you can just simply add properties on the UserProfile class defined in AccountModels.cs. Or use any table then modify the InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs from the Filters folder and set your DBContext and table name:

public SimpleMembershipInitializer()

      using (var context = new UsersContext())
        if (!context.Database.Exists())
          // Create the SimpleMembership database without Entity Framework migration schema

      WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection("DefaultConnection", "YourDesiredTable",
              "UserId", "UserName", autoCreateTables: true);
    catch (Exception ex)
      throw new InvalidOperationException("The ASP.NET Simple Membership database could " +
        "not be initialized. For more information, please see " +
        "", ex);

Another way is to leave the SimpleMembershipInitializer as it is and check this tutorial: 

If your data storage is now ready we can now start creating custom IPrincipal: 

public interface ICustomPrincipal : System.Security.Principal.Iprincipal
    string FirstName { get; set; }

    string LastName { get; set; }
public class CustomPrincipal : IcustomPrincipal
    public IIdentity Identity { get; private set; }

    public CustomPrincipal(string username)
            this.Identity = new GenericIdentity(username);

      public bool IsInRole(string role)
            return Identity != null && Identity.IsAuthenticated &&
               !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(role) && Roles.IsUserInRole(Identity.Name, role);

      public string FirstName { get; set; }

      public string LastName { get; set; }

      public string FullName { get { return FirstName + " " + LastName; } }

public class CustomPrincipalSerializedModel
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string FirstName { get; set; }

    public string LastName { get; set; }

Then in the AccountController class, add this method. We will need this method to serialize the user data and attach it in a cookie: 

public void CreateAuthenticationTicket(string username) {      

      var authUser = Repository.Find(u => u.Username == username); 
      CustomPrincipalSerializedModel serializeModel = new CustomPrincipalSerializedModel();     

      serializeModel.FirstName = authUser.FirstName;
      serializeModel.LastName = authUser.LastName;
      JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
      string userData = serializer.Serialize(serializeModel);     

      FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(
      string encTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(authTicket);
      HttpCookie faCookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encTicket);

Call the above method: From the ExternalLoginCallback method: 

public ActionResult ExternalLoginCallback(string returnUrl)
      AuthenticationResult result = OAuthWebSecurity.VerifyAuthentication(
        Url.Action("ExternalLoginCallback", new { ReturnUrl = returnUrl }));
      if (!result.IsSuccessful)
        return RedirectToAction("ExternalLoginFailure");

      if (OAuthWebSecurity.Login(result.Provider, result.ProviderUserId, createPersistentCookie: true))
                        result.Provider, result.ProviderUserId));
        return RedirectToLocal(returnUrl);

      if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
        // If the current user is logged in add the new account
        OAuthWebSecurity.CreateOrUpdateAccount(result.Provider, result.ProviderUserId, User.Identity.Name);
        return RedirectToLocal(returnUrl);
        // User is new, ask for their desired membership name
        string loginData = OAuthWebSecurity.SerializeProviderUserId(result.Provider, result.ProviderUserId);
        ViewBag.ProviderDisplayName = OAuthWebSecurity.GetOAuthClientData(result.Provider).DisplayName;
        ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;
        return View("ExternalLoginConfirmation",
          new RegisterExternalLoginModel { UserName = result.UserName, ExternalLoginData = loginData });

In Register method: 

public ActionResult Register(RegisterModel model)
  if (ModelState.IsValid)
    // Attempt to register the user
        new {            
            UpdatedBy = 0,
            UpdatedDate = DateTime.Today,
            CreatedBy = 0,
            CreatedDate = DateTime.Today

      WebSecurity.Login(model.UserName, model.Password);
      return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
    catch (MembershipCreateUserException e)
      ModelState.AddModelError("", ErrorCodeToString(e.StatusCode));

In ExternalLoginConfirmation method: 

OAuthWebSecurity.CreateOrUpdateAccount(provider, providerUserId, model.UserName);
 OAuthWebSecurity.Login(provider, providerUserId, createPersistentCookie: false);
 return RedirectToLocal(returnUrl);   

And in the Login method: 

public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string returnUrl)
      if (ModelState.IsValid && WebSecurity.Login(model.UserName,
                model.Password, persistCookie: model.RememberMe))
        return RedirectToLocal(returnUrl);

      // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
      ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect.");
      return View(model);

It's now time to read the serialized data from our cookie and replace the HttpContext.Current.User. Do this by overriding the Application_PostAuthenticateRequest method in project's Global.asax.cs . 

protected void Application_PostAuthenticateRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
      HttpCookie authCookie = Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];
      if (authCookie != null)
        FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authCookie.Value);
        JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
        if (authTicket.UserData == "OAuth") return;
        CustomPrincipalSerializedModel serializeModel =           serializer.Deserialize<CustomPrincipalSerializedModel>(authTicket.UserData);
        CustomPrincipal newUser = new CustomPrincipal(authTicket.Name);
        newUser.Id = serializeModel.Id;
        newUser.FirstName = serializeModel.FirstName;
        newUser.LastName = serializeModel.LastName;
        HttpContext.Current.User = newUser;

To access the attached data from pages:

@(User as CustomPrincipal).FullName

And from server: 

@(User as CustomPrincipal).FullName

European ASP.NET MVC 4 Hosting - Amsterdam :: How to Add Metatags on .cshtml Pages in MVC

clock April 8, 2013 09:08 by author Scott

This quick article is a response to a question I received today on Facebook. Please use the following procedure to add metatags on .cshtml pages.

Step 1

When we create a MVC4 Application using an Internet Template we get a "Shared" folder inside the "Views" folder on the root and in the "Shared" folder you will find a layout page named "_Layout.cshtml". Open that file.

Step 2

In the "_Layout.cshtml" page add a new section call inside the <head> tag, as given below:

In the above image you can see that a section call is not required; in other words whenever we need metatags on a page we can define.

Step 3

Now, open you .cshtml page where you wish to add metatags and add the following section reference:

Step 4

Now, open the page in a browser and you will see your metatags in action.


We can also make these metatags dynamic, in other words we can control them from controllers.


public ActionResult Index()
    ViewBag.Message = "Modify this template to jump-start your ASP.NET MVC application.";
    ViewBag.MetaKeywords = "abc";
    ViewBag.MetaDescription = "abc";

    return View();

Section on .cshtml page

@section metatags {
    <meta name='keywords' content='@ViewBag.MetaKeywords'/>
    <meta name='description' content='@ViewBag.MetaDescription'/>

Hope this helps.


European ASP.NET MVC 4 Hosting - Amsterdam :: Using NHibernate in an ASP.NET MVC 4 Application

clock March 6, 2013 05:58 by author Scott

ASP.NET MVC is a common framework for developing web applications. As we all know that M in MVC stands for model, and for a Line of business (LoB application ), the model is often the backbone. For defining a model that persists in a database, ASP.NET MVC supports Entity Framework (now Open Source) out of the box. Other possible options are:

ADO.NET hand coded data layer where you write all the queries explicitly.

- Use commercial O/R mappers like LLBLGen
- Use Open Source O/R mapper like NHibernate.

Today we will see how we can get started using Nhibernate

Getting Started with NHibernate

You can get additional information about the NHibernate from here.

Once you identify various models and relationship in your data model, you can now introduce NHibernate for mapping these models to a persistence store like (SQL Server, Oracle etc).
One of the most important part of using ORM is establishing mapping between Model objects and the Database tables. If we use NHibernate, then this mapping needs to be set explicitly using XML file.

In the following steps, we will be exploring use of NHibernate in ASP.NET MVC 4 application.

Step 1: Open VS 2012 and create MVC 4 application. On the project, right click and select  Manage NuGet Packages’. You will see the Manage Nuget Packages screen. In the search TextBox enter ‘NHibernate’ and you will get the following result:

Once you click the ‘Install’, you will get below references in then project:

- NHibernate
- Lesi.Collections

Step 2: Now it is a time to define the Model layer. As I wrote in the beginning that based upon the application requirement, you need to decide upon the Model objects and the relationship between them. So now let’s define an application that is used to maintain employee records (very simple, but you can extend the concept). Let’s add the new class in the Models folder as shown below:

public class EmployeeInfo
int _EmpNo;
public virtual int EmpNo
  get { return _EmpNo; }
  set { _EmpNo = value; }
string _EmpName;
public virtual string EmpName
  get { return _EmpName; }
  set { _EmpName = value; }
int _Salary;
public virtual int Salary
  get { return _Salary; }
  set { _Salary = value; }
string _DeptName;
public virtual string DeptName
  get { return _DeptName; }
  set { _DeptName = value; }
string _Designation;
public virtual string Designation
  get { return _Designation; }
  set { _Designation = value; }

The class EmployeeInfo contains properties. These properties will be used for mapping with the Table Columns. These properties are defined as virtual properties because of the lazy association which is used by NHibernate to set proxy entity on association property.

Step 3: Once the Model class for mapping is ready, now let’s think of the database to persist the data. For this simple application, we will use a database called Company in SQL Server. The name of the table is EmployeeInfo which can be created as shown below:

USE [Company]
/****** Object:  Table [dbo].[EmployeeInfo]    Script Date: 1/17/2013 11:22:12 AM ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[EmployeeInfo](
    [EmpNo] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [EmpName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [Salary] [decimal](18, 0) NOT NULL,
    [DeptName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [Designation] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [EmpNo] ASC

Step 4: To set the mapping, we need to add an XML file in the project as ‘Embedded Resource’. For this sample, I’ll use two folders under the default Model folder - NHibernate\Configuration and NHibernate\Mappings.

The naming convention for the mapping files are by default <ModelName>.hbm.xml, so in our case it will be ‘EmployeeInfo.hbm.xml’. This file goes into the Mappings folder. This file maps the Model class with the database table columns with the constraints like primary key, data types etc. The file is as shown below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<class name="MVC4_Using_NHB.Models.EmployeeInfo,MVC4_Using_NHB">
  <id name="EmpNo" access="property" column="EmpNo" type="Int32">
   <generator class="native"></generator>
  <property name="EmpName" access="property"
   column="EmpName" type="String"></property>
  <property name="Salary" access="property"
   column="Salary" type="Int32"></property>
  <property name="DeptName" access="property"
   column="DeptName" type="String"></property>
  <property name="Designation" access="property"
   column="Designation" type="String"></property>

The above xml file demonstrates the mapping between EmployeeInfo class and its properties with the columns. The mapping table is defined by the NHibernate APIs while establishing connection to database.

Note: One important thing is that by default no intellisense is available so to achieve this add nhibernate-configuration.xsd and nhibernate-mapping.xsd in below path

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Xml\Schemas

Step 5: Once the mapping is defined, now let’s define the NHibernate configuration for the application. This provides information about the database provider, connection string and the mapping file used for the connectivity. So in the project, add a new XML file in the Models\Configuration folder created above; the name of the file will be ‘hibernate.cfg.xml’. Add the following configuration in it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<hibernate-configuration xmlns="urn:nhibernate-configuration-2.2">
  <property name="connection.provider">
  <property name="dialect">NHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2000Dialect</property>
  <property name="connection.driver_class">
  <property name="connection.connection_string">Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Company;Integrated Security=SSPI</property>
  <property name="show_sql">false</property>

Step 6: Now it’s time to add some code to do CRUD operations against the database table using the mapping model. NHibernate provides various classes and interfaces for performing operations, some of them are used in this implementation and they are as below:

ISession: This is a main runtime interface between NHibernate and .NET and is used to manipulate entities.

ISessionFactory: A Session is created by this interface. The method ‘OpenSession()’ is provided to create session. One session factory is required per database. The implementation is thread safe and can live till the life time of the application.

As you can see in the code below, we have provided the absolute path of the configuration file to the configuration object and also provided it with the Directory Information where all the mapping files will be kept (in the OpenSession method).

IQuery: This is an object representation of NHibernate query. This is created using ‘CreateQuery()’ method of the ISession. This is the method where the table name is passed and based upon which column the mapping can take place.

ITransaction: Used to manage transactions. This is required during DML operations.
Add a new class in the Models folder and add the following code in it:

/// <summary>
/// class to perform the CRUD operations
/// </summary>
public class EmployeeInfoDAL
//Define the session factory, this is per database
ISessionFactory sessionFactory;
/// <summary>
/// Method to create session and manage entities
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
ISession OpenSession()
  if (sessionFactory == null)
   var cgf = new Configuration();
   var data = cgf.Configure(
   cgf.AddDirectory(new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(
   sessionFactory = data.BuildSessionFactory();
  return sessionFactory.OpenSession();
public IList<EmployeeInfo> GetEmployees()
  IList<EmployeeInfo> Employees;
  using (ISession session = OpenSession())
   //NHibernate query
   IQuery query = session.CreateQuery("from EmployeeInfo");
   Employees = query.List<EmployeeInfo>();
  return Employees;
public EmployeeInfo GetEmployeeById(int Id)
  EmployeeInfo Emp = new EmployeeInfo();
  using (ISession session = OpenSession())
   Emp = session.Get<EmployeeInfo>(Id);
  return Emp;
public int CreateEmployee(EmployeeInfo Emp)
  int EmpNo = 0;
  using (ISession session = OpenSession())
   //Perform transaction
   using (ITransaction tran = session.BeginTransaction())
  return EmpNo;
public void UpdateEmployee(EmployeeInfo Emp)
  using (ISession session = OpenSession())
   using (ITransaction tran = session.BeginTransaction())
public void DeleteEmployee(EmployeeInfo Emp)
  using (ISession session = OpenSession())
   using (ITransaction tran = session.BeginTransaction())

Build the project and make sure that it is error free.

Step 7: Add a new Controller in the Controllers folder, name it as ‘EmployeeInfoController’. Add the following action methods in the controller class:

using MVC4_Using_NHB.Models;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace MVC4_Using_NHB.Controllers
public class EmployeeInfoController : Controller
  EmployeeInfoDAL objDs;
  public EmployeeInfoController()
   objDs = new EmployeeInfoDAL();
  // GET: /EmployeeInfo/
  public ActionResult Index()
   var Employees = objDs.GetEmployees();
   return View(Employees);
// GET: /EmployeeInfo/Details/5
public ActionResult Details(int id)
  return View();
// GET: /EmployeeInfo/Create
public ActionResult Create()
  var Emp = new EmployeeInfo();
  return View(Emp);
// POST: /EmployeeInfo/Create
public ActionResult Create(EmployeeInfo Emp)
   return RedirectToAction("Index");
   return View();
// GET: /EmployeeInfo/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
  var Emp = objDs.GetEmployeeById(id);
  return View(Emp);
// POST: /EmployeeInfo/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(int id, EmployeeInfo Emp)
   return RedirectToAction("Index");
   return View();
// GET: /EmployeeInfo/Delete/5
public ActionResult Delete(int id)
  var Emp = objDs.GetEmployeeById(id);
  return View(Emp);
// POST: /EmployeeInfo/Delete/5
public ActionResult Delete(int id,FormCollection collection)
   var Emp = objDs.GetEmployeeById(id);
   return RedirectToAction("Index");
   return View();

Each action method makes a call to the method defined in the EmployeeInfoDAL class. That’s it. Now add views for each action method and test them.


We saw how easy it is to make use of NHibernate in MVC application for building Line of Business (LOB) applications.


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