European ASP.NET MVC Hosting

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European ASP.NET MVC Core Hosting :: Layout View ASP.NET Core MVC

clock November 28, 2019 07:58 by author Scott

Short tutorial only about Layout view in ASP.NET Core MVC. We will discuss about it. Let’s get started!

What is Layout?

The layouts are like the master pages in Webforms applications.  The common UI code, which can be used in many views can go into a common view called layout.

Why do we need Layout View in ASP.NET Core MVC?

Nowadays, almost all web applications have the following sections.

  • Website Header
  • Website Footer
  • Navigation Menus
  • Main Content Area

Please have a look at the following image which shows the above mentioned four areas on a website.

Instead of putting all the sections (i.e. the HTML) in each and every view pages, it is always better and advisable to put them in a layout view and then inherit that layout view in each and every view where you want that look and feel. With the help of layout views, now it is easier to maintain the consistent look and feel of your application. This is because if you at all need to do any changes then you need to do it only at one place i.e. in the layout view and the changes will be reflected immediately across all the views which are inherited from the layout view.

Layout View in ASP.NET Core MVC Application:

  1. Like the regular view in ASP.NET Core MVC, the layout view is also a file with a .cshtml extension
  2. If you are coming from ASP.NET Web Forms background, you can think the layout view as the master page in web forms application.
  3. As the layout views are not specific to any controller, so, we usually place the layout views in a subfolder called “Shared” within the “Views” folder.
  4. By default, in ASP.NET Core MVC Application, the layout view file is named _Layout.cshtml.
  5. The leading underscore in the file name indicates that these files are not intended to be served directly by the browser.
  6. In ASP.NET Core MVC, it is also possible to create multiple layout files for a single application. For example, you may have one layout file for the admin users and another layout file for non-admin users of your application.

How to Create a Layout View in ASP.NET Core MVC Application?

  1. In order to create a layout view in ASP.NET Core MVC, you need to follow the below steps.
  2. Right-click on the “Views” folder and then add a new folder with the name “Shared“.
  3. Next, Right-click on the “Shared” folder and then select the “Add” – “New Item” option from the context menu which will open the Add New Item window.
  4. From the “Add New Item” window search for Layout and then select “Razor Layout”, give a meaning full name (_Layout.cshtml) to your layout view and finally click on the “Add” button as shown below which should add _Layout.cshtml file within the Shared folder.


Note: In this article, I am going to show you how to create and use a layout file and in our upcoming articles, I will show you how to use website header, footer, and navigation menus.

Understanding the _Layout.cshtml file:

Let us have a look at the auto-generated HTML code in the _Layout.cshtml file. The following HTML is auto-generated in the _Layout.cshtml file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />

As you can see in the above layout file, it contains the standard Html, head, title and body elements. As the above elements are present in the layout file, so you don’t have to repeat all the above elements in each and every view.

The View or Page-specific title is retrieved by using the @ViewBag.Title expression. For example, when “index.cshtml” view is rendered using this layout view, then the index.cshtml view will set the Title property on the ViewBag. This is then retrieved by the Layout view using the expression @ViewBag.Title and set as the value for the <title> tag.

The @RenderBody() specifies the location where the view or page-specific content is injected. For example, if “index.cshtml” view is rendered using this layout view, then index.cshtml view content is injected at the location.

Let us modify the _Layout.cshtml page as shown below to include the header, footer, left navigation menus and main content area section.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
    <table border="1" style="width:800px; font-family:Arial">
            <td colspan="2" style="text-align:center">
                <h3>Website Header</h3>
            <td style="width:200px">
                <h3>Left Navigation Menus</h3>
            <td style="width:600px">
            <td colspan="2" style="text-align:center; font-size:x-small">
                <h3>Website Footer</h3>

Modifying the Startup class:

Please modify the Startup class as shown below where we configure the required services for MVC.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
namespace FirstCoreMVCApplication
    public class Startup
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)

Modifying the Home Controller:

Please modify the Home Controller as shown below.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace FirstCoreMVCApplication.Controllers
    public class HomeController : Controller
        public ViewResult Index()
            return View();

        public ViewResult Details()
            return View();

As you can see here we have created two action methods i.e. Index and View.

Using Layout view in ASP.NET Core MVC Application:

Now we are going to create the Index and Details views using the Layout view. In order to render a view using the layout view (_Layout.cshtml), you need to set the Layout property.


Please modify the Index view as shown below to use the layout view.

    ViewBag.Title = "Home Page";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
<h1>Home Page</h1>


Please modify the Details view as shown below to use the layout view.

    ViewBag.Title = "Details Page";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
<h1>Details Page</h1>

Now run the application and navigate to the Home/Index URL which should display the page as shown below.

If you don’t have a layout view for your website, then you need to repeat the required HTML for the above-mentioned sections in each and every view of your application. This is violating the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle as we are repeating the same code in multiple views. As a result, it is very difficult to maintain the application. For example, if you have to remove or add a menu item from the list of navigation menus or even if you want to change the header or footer of your website then you need to do this in each and every view which is tedious, time-consuming as well as error-prone.

European ASP.NET MVC Hosting - Germany :: The Difference Between ASP.NET MVC and Web API

clock July 16, 2014 08:05 by author Scott

In this article, I will explain the differences between ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API.

Overview of MVC

Model View Controller (MVC) divides an application into the three parts, Model, View and Controller. ASP.NET has many options for creating Web applications using the ASP.NET Web forms. MVC framework Combines the ASP.NET features such as Master pages, Membership based authentication. MVC exists in the "System.Web.MVC" assembly.

The components that are included by the MVC:

  • Models: Models are the objects used to retrieve and store the model state in the database.  Let's see an example. There is an "item" object that fetches the data from the database and performs an operation and then stores the updated data into the database. If an application only reads the dataset and sends it to the view then the application does not have any associated class and physical layer model
  • View: View components show the User Interface (UI) of the applications that is created by the data model. For example the view of the Items table shows the drop down list and textboxes that depend on the current state of the "item"  object.
  • Controllers: In MVC, controllers are also called the components. These components manage the user interaction and chooses a view for displaying the UI. The main work of the controller is that it manages the query string values and transfers these values to the models.

The Models retrieve the information and store the updated information in the database. Views are used for only displaying the information, and the controllers are used for managing and responding to the user inputs and their interaction.

Overview of the Web API

The ASP.NET Web API allows for displaying the data in various formats, such as XML and JSON. It is a framework that uses the HTTP services and makes it easy to provide the response to the client request. The response depends on the request of the clients. The web API builds the HTTP services and manages the request using the HTTP protocols. The Web API is an open source and it can be hosted in the application or on the IIS .The request may be GET, POST, DELETE or PUT. We can say that the Web API:

  • Is an HTTP service.
  • Is designed for reaching the broad range of clients.
  • Uses the HTTP application.

Difference between MVC and Web API

There are many differences between MVC and Web API, including:

  • We can use the MVC for developing  the Web application that replies as both data and views but the Web API is used for generating the HTTP services that replies only as data.
  • In the Web API the request performs tracing with the actions depending on the HTTP services but the MVC request performs tracing with the action name.
  • The Web API returns the data in various formats, such as JSON, XML and other format based on the accept header of the request. But the MVC returns the data in the JSON format by using JSONResult.
  • The Web API supports content negotiation, self hosting. All these are not supported by the MVC.
  • The Web API includes the various features of the MVC, such as routing, model binding but these features are different and are defined in the "System.Web.Http" assembly. And the MVC features are defined in the " System.Web.Mvc" assembly.
  • The Web API helps the creation of RESTful services over the .Net Framework but the MVC does not support.

When we combined the MVC with Web API:

When we do the self hosting on the application, in it we combine both the MVC controller and the API in a single project and it helps for managing the AJAX requests and returns the response in XML, JSON and other Formats.

We combined the MVC and Web API for enabling the authorization for an application. In it we create two filters, one for the Web API and another for MVC.

About HostForLIFE

HostForLIFE is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

We have offered the latest Windows 2019 Hosting, ASP.NET 5 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting and SQL 2019 Hosting.

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