The main benefit I see in following the SPA design principles for developing rich, complex web applications is the “stateful”ness we get. For complex web application, it may be too idealistic to have just one “full” initial HTTP request to get a page, and then subsequent async calls to load further pages or data. However, we can do it module-wise i.e. certain parts of the web app follow SPA design, others may or may not follow SPA design. This is referred to as mini-spa or hybrid spa. Using AngularJs in ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting, I have come up with a sample application which follows SPA design principles. I’m using angular route module ngRoute along with angular directive ngView to define routes – controller & view associated with each route. It is essentially MVC pattern on the client-side. Moreover, our app is now route-driven on client-side. (The browser back and fro buttons are supported)

In the sample web app, we have 2 modules. In each module, user can filter results and view/edit the record. [NOTE: using mvc music store database from CodePlex.
For each module, I've defined corresponding angular module :
ngModule musicAlbumsApp for music module
ngModule movieDvdsApp for movie module
Route configuration for music module
(function (app) {
var routeConfig = function ($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when("/", {
controller: "musicAlbumListController",
templateUrl: window.miniSpaApp.rootUrl + "MusicAlbums/List",
reloadOnSearch: false
}).when("/:genreId", {
controller: "musicAlbumListController",
templateUrl: window.miniSpaApp.rootUrl + "MusicAlbums/List",
reloadOnSearch: false
}).when("/Detail/:id", {
controller: "musicAlbumDetailController",
templateUrl: window.miniSpaApp.rootUrl + "MusicAlbums/Detail",
reloadOnSearch: false }).when("/Edit/:id", {
controller: "musicAlbumEditController",
templateUrl: window.miniSpaApp.rootUrl + "MusicAlbums/Edit",
reloadOnSearch: false
}).otherwise({ redirectTo: "/" });
routeConfig.$inject = ['$routeProvider'];
Each route maps to an angular controller and a view/template.
In our main page (MusicAlbums - Index View), we include the angular scripts and define our container div using ngView directive to load different views
@section HeadContent
<div data-ng-app="musicAlbumsApp" data-ng-view="" data-ng-cloak="">
Similarly, for movie module we've defined it's route configuration and container div using ngView directive.