November 14, 2023 06:11 by
There are numerous Payment Gateways on the market that provide secure and simple setup. Stripe is among them. Stripe integration consists of numerous phases. In general, there are two approaches.
- Client Side: You may use Stripe.js to load the Stripe UI and enter credit card information to make the payment.
- If you already have a fully functional Checkout page and everything is in place, you may utilize the library (DLL) to process the payment.

Today, we'll look at Stripe's server-side implementation.
Stripe Payment Gateway can be readily integrated if you follow each step.
Step 1: Fill out the registration form at https://dashboard.stripe.com/register with your email, name, and password.
Step 2: Use Install-Package Stripe.net to add the Stripe library to your Visual Project. Stripe.net.dll will be downloaded and included as a reference to your project.
Step 3: Add the Stripe.Infrastructure; Namespace to the Class where you wish to create the payment gateway.
Step 4: To implement, you must experiment with various classes. To make the payment, please complete each step.
Step 5: You'll need KEY - "Publishable key" - to connect to Stripe. It is available at https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys.

Step 6. Set the API key with the below function
Step 7: To generate a Token, create an Object of a Credit Card. That Token will be assigned to the Customer object at the time the Customer is created.
//Create Card Object to create Token
Stripe.CreditCardOptions card = new Stripe.CreditCardOptions();
card.Name = tParams.CardOwnerFirstName + " " + tParams.CardOwnerLastName;
card.Number = tParams.CardNumber;
card.ExpYear = tParams.ExpirationYear;
card.ExpMonth = tParams.ExpirationMonth;
card.Cvc = tParams.CVV2;
//Assign Card to Token Object and create Token
Stripe.TokenCreateOptions token = new Stripe.TokenCreateOptions();
token.Card = card;
Stripe.TokenService serviceToken = new Stripe.TokenService();
Stripe.Token newToken = serviceToken.Create(token);
Step 8: Assign TokenID to the Customer Object so that a card is created and linked to the Customer when the customer is created.
//Create Customer Object and Register it on StripeStripe.CustomerCreateOptions myCustomer = new Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions();myCustomer.Email = tParams.Buyer_Email;myCustomer.SourceToken = newToken.Id;var customerService = new Stripe.CustomerService();Stripe.Customer stripeCustomer = customerService.Create(myCustomer);
Step 9: Make a Charge Object. The charge object is the actual object that will perform the payment.
//Create Charge Object with details of Charge
var options = new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions {
Amount = Convert.ToInt32(tParams.Amount),
Currency = tParams.CurrencyId == 1 ? "ILS" : "USD",
ReceiptEmail = tParams.Buyer_Email,
CustomerId = stripeCustomer.Id,
Description = Convert.ToString(tParams.TransactionId), //Optional
//and Create Method of this object is doing the payment execution.
var service = new Stripe.ChargeService();
Stripe.Charge charge = service.Create(options); // This will do the Payment
Step ten: Charge.The status will be returned.
Step 11: Go to https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/customers and look for Created Customer.

And Payment using this link - https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/payments.